Air Conditioner Articles

Why Air Conditioners Freeze Up

September 8, 2024
Why Air Conditioners Freeze Up. Frozen AC units.

Did you accidentally stumble upon your air conditioning (AC) unit’s “winter weather” setting? Nope. You’re probably experiencing an air conditioner freeze up.

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Going Ductless

August 30, 2024
couple sitting on a couch, using a remote to adjust their ductless unit.

You can spend up to 30 percent less to cool and up to 60 percent less to heat when you upgrade your AC system, according to ENERGY STAR®.

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Why Is My AC Blowing Hot Air?

July 31, 2024
Why Is My AC Blowing Hot Air? Hands feeling air coming in from vent.

It’s a hot day outdoors, and you are inside your Center home waiting for your air conditioning (AC) system to kick into full gear.  But instead of cool air coming out of your vents, all you feel is hot air! 

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